Sunday, October 14, 2018

Beauty Erupts From Ashes

Sometimes I wonder where I would be

Life hasn’t been that simple you see.

It’s been a rough road,

Filled with bumps along the way.

Heartache, heartbreak and disappointments.

Yet I still manage to get back up…

Again, and again and again.

Life has dealt me a harsh hand,

Yet I play the cards the best way that I can.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be where I am at today.

But never did I think that beauty would come from ashes.

I may not be where I want to be,

But thank God I’m nowhere near where I used to be.

I may be back at the beginning with recovery,

But life for as long as I can remember is finally going well.

I have deep abiding friendships,

I have a few women in my life who love me with a mother’s love.

Most of my friendships are so deep they are family and not just friends.

Beauty from ashes…

It can truly happen.

Beauty is erupting from the ashes of my past.

Life is being birthed out of dry, old, dead bones.

For the first time in my life, I’m truly living
Not just surviving

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