Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Here is a guest post as a part of a Queer Calling Synchroblog. I offered up my blog for hosting for anyone who didn't have a blog but wanted to be apart of this important day which is tomorrow.

Enjoy everyone!

Twisted Scripture
By Lisa Eskinazi

Bullets fire at us with sniper like aim
From the rooftops of grand buildings
From behind dusty curtained windows
To point blank range

The bullets say...
"We love you, but not your sin"
"We have gays at our church, you are welcome BUT! ( with milk and honey)
"If you want to live by the bible we can make you straight"

I shudder, then take three steps back
I stop praying, reading, believing
I am living in sin, condemned...
I take another three steps back

Pondering if in fifty years a child will ask..
Why did some people have to wear armour?

Because of twisted scripture...
That they sculpted and moulded into art
And they displayed these works in galleries
And in awe people followed
I took three steps back

Now I make sure when I leave my house
Wallet, keys, phone...
I then put on my SHIELD...

My heart is with God
Who loves every one of us

I take one step forward

My calling is to write
And I will...
Until we throw away our armour
I take one step forward

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